Akreditované školení pokrývající učební osnovy ISTQB® Certifikovaný tester rozšířené úrovně - Test Analytik 2021 v3.1.2.

Tento kurz je možné absolvovat v rámci dotačního programu Jsem v kurzu s příspěvkem 82% nákladů kurzu.

Tento kurz rozšiřuje znalosti dovednosti potřebné k provádění správného a důkladného testování softwaru v průběhu životního cyklu vývoje softwaru. Tento kurz pokrývá klíčové oblasti testovací analýzy a návrhu testů, řízení rizik, techniky návrhu testů založené na modelu, techniky založené na zkušenostech, nefunkcionální charakteristiky kvality pro byznysovou doménu, revize, testovací nástroje a automatizaci.


Osnova kurzu

  1. Test Analyst’s Tasks in the Test Process

    Testing in the Software Development Lifecycle
    Test Analysis
    Test Design (Low-level and High-level Test Case Design)
    Test Implementation
    Test Execution
  2. Test Analyst’s Tasks in Risk-based Testing

    Risk Management Activities
    Risk Identification
    Risk Assessment
    Risk Mitigation
  3. Black-box Test Techniques

    Equivalence Partitioning
    Boundary Valuer Analysis
    Decision Table Testing
    State Transition Testing
    Classification Tree Testing
    Pairwise Testing
    Use Case Testing
    Combining Techniques
  4. Experience-based Test Techniques

    Error Guessing
    Checklist-based Testing
  5. Testing Software Quality Characteristics

    Functional Suitability Testing
    Interoperability Testing
    Usability Testing
    Portability Testing
  6. Reviews

    Using Checklists in Reviews
    Requirement Reviews
    User Story Reviews
    Tailoring Chechlists
  7. Test tools and automation

    Keywords-driver testing
    Test Design Tools
    Test Data Preparation Tools
    Automated Test Execution Tools

Co se naučíte?

  • Perform the appropriate testing activities based on the software development life cycle being used.
  • Determine the proper prioritization of the testing activities based on the information provided by the risk analysis.
  • Select and apply appropriate test techniques to ensure that tests provide an adequate level of confidence, based on defined coverage criteria.
  • Provide the appropriate level of documentation relevant to their testing activities.
  • Determine the appropriate types of functional testing to be performed.
  • Work effectively in a usability testing team.
  • Effectively participate in requirements / user story reviews with stakeholders, applying knowledge of typical mistakes made in work products.
  • Improve the efficiency of the test process with the use of tools.

Navázaná témata

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+420 777 629 545
